After 25 decorated years of service Detective Lucious Blem is about to retire, but a string of murders brings old wounds to the surface sending him on a twisted search for answers to questions that have haunted him for years. From the streets of New York City to remote regions of the Adirondack Mountains, Blem struggles to learn the truth as his world spirals out of control.


Blem in flames

Watch SWEET on Amazon


A note from the filmmakers:

Sweet is an "independent" film in the truest sense of the word. It was a labor of love that cost us our life savings and thousands of hours of work. Sets, costumes, makeup, locations, casting, sound recording, lighting, camera work, editing, special effects, Foley effects, post-production … even the closed-captioning was done by just us two.

The story of Sweet evolved as it was being filmed and it features several highly skilled actors as well as many dear friends and family members who just wanted to be a part of something different. A huge thank you to all who donated their time and talents to this production. We are forever grateful.

And thank YOU for checking it out. Yes, it’s wacky, campy, and far from being a Hollywood blockbuster, but it’s also been described as touching, humorous and mysterious. We hope you enjoy it!

Kindest regards,

Carol & Loren


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Copyright ©2010 Unseen World Productions - Release October 2018